SFZ to HISE Translator / Converter
Online app that translates SFZ instrument files into HISE Sample Maps.
User settings – choose how to process your SFZ document:
SFZ file input contents
The contents of your selected SFZ file will appear below. Review it, then press the green button. Use “Expand SFZ input” to view the full content of the loaded file.
When you choose a file, the contents will show up here.
HISE XML Samplemap output
The HISE Samplemap XML data will be outputted below upon clicking the green button. Simply mark it and copy-paste it into an XML (.xml) document using a text-editor (code editor), or use the buttons below. In the browser’s Developer Tools -> Console you will also find samplemap, opcodes object and log messges.
Processing log:
HISE output sample map will show up here upon successful conversion...